I use macOS on daily basis. I have a 14-inch MacBook Pro and 27-inch iMac at home. Althought I really like the screen of iMac, it’s Intel and it doesn’t feel as fast as Apple ARM CPUs. I feel sad about it but mentally not ready yet to replace it with something new.

I write code almost every day. So most of tools I use on daily basis in one or another way related to programming.

Sublime Text

It’s just number one. I use it for writing code. But I also write a lot of texts using it. This post is also written in Sublime. It’s fast. It opens instantly. I never feel it’s slowing me down. It looks nice and doesn’t distract me. It has a lot of nice small details here and there. Pure love💛

I usually write JavaScript/TypeScript in Sublime (and LSP is great). But I also used it for Markdown, Clojure, Python, C++, Ruby and for almost everything.

Sublime Merge

Same but for Git. I use it every day. Just great product. It’s not trying to hide the complexity of Git but kinda accepting it and making life easier.

iA Writer

I use it a lot. For writing, thinking, fot quick notes, to track my annual goals. I have it on my laptop, phone and iPad. It’s fast and looks sooo nice so encourages to write more.

Procreate Dreams

Macromedia Flash 5 was one of my first times creating something on PC. I was drawing short cartoons, making animations, recording sounds and music. It was a pure joy. I spent a lot of winter weekends doing that.

For a long time I’ve had an idea of making a simple animation software for iPad so me and my daugther could do some small animations. But then Procreate announced Dreams and it was so pefrect.


It’s just a nice general-purpose game engine. It’s open source. It doesn’t require to sign in into some fancy enterprise hub. You just download zip archive and use it.

Somehow it feels right. Most of the things are where I expect them to be. It’s not bloated, and developers are following quite strict rules about adding new features. And it’s hard not to mention the Godot community is great.


Kagi is my main search engine right now. I don’t like the way Google products are going. And at some point Google search just stopped working for me. It has a lot of ads and fake results. It doesn’t feel anymore like something I can rely on. I started using Kagi almost a year ago and so far like it.


I use Fastmail for all my email addresses for a few years already. I connected it to my custom domains. I created tens of different email addresses. It’s just a great reliable email platform with a lot of nice features. Never regretted switching to it.

Reeder Classic

I use Reeder for all RSS feeds of people I following and as a replacement for Pocket as Read Later tool. It’s native and fast. Even though I’m not a fan of a few UX decisions in the app, I still find it better than any other RSS readers.


It’s a nice and simple but so thoughtful podcast player for Apple devices. A lot of things are just made right for the listening experience. Voice boost, podcast chapters, timers, share clip functionality. And if it’s not enough, just the fact that there is a Nitpicky Details section in the app settings says a lot.

Overcast is a self-funded indie app made by Marco Arment without big companies and investors and I love it.